
60 Appealing Egyptian Tattoo Designs – The Permanent Charm for Good Luck

Egypt is often regarded by many as the cradle of tattoo art. And ancient Egyptian culture has done much in contributing to the modern tattoo industry. So impressive were the Egyptian tattoo designs that they emerged as a visual artifact of Middle Eastern history. The popularity of Egyptian symbols has prevailed in most Western cultures, including the U.S and parts of North America.


The practice has become less prevalent in modern Egyptian society as the Islamic religion, which disregards tattooing, continues to take hold. The intricate Egyptian designs comprised of shapes, characters and other symbols that held different meanings to the natives. And even though the practice has slightly diminished in the Egyptian culture, it has already spread and embraced by millions across the world.


Egyptian tattoos have a long history that dates back over 3,000 years ago to the Old Testament time. The tattoos were mostly worn by women, though most in the Egyptian society dispute the fact. The Egyptians had over 100 designs, which is far more than what other ancient cultures had. Apart from their history of tattoo culture, Ancient Egyptian culture has served as inspiration for tattoo art for many years. Most continue to admire their ingenuity, spirituality and advanced nature of their time.

The traditional reasons for tattooing in ancient Egyptian culture included the following:

• Getting a connection with the Divine
• Be an act of sacrifice or tribute to a deity
• Provide magical powers and medical protection
• A permanent charm for good luck, one that can’t be lost

A strong connection existed between the tattoos worn and divine powers. Excavations done and study contacted indicate that most of the designs discovered were intrinsically connected to their religion. For instance, the mummies of 1300 BC were sported with the symbol of Neith – a female deity. And they were the only tattoo symbols meant for the male bearer.

There are numerous Egyptian symbols and their entire language of hieroglyphics makes for good tattoo ideas in modern society. As tomb excavations continue, the enthusiasm for this ancient world continues to increase every passing day. Even Hollywood have lend a hand to help raise the interest of people through films based on Ancient Egypt and its many mysteries. These are some of the things that make the ancient Egyptian tattoos so popular.

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Egyptian Tattoo Designs

Ancient Egyptian culture contributed a lot to the modern tattoo art. The tattoos were used for many social and religious reasons. The tattoos were quite complicated in their design, something that made them even more striking. A lot has changed since then as the country witness a resurgence of the Islamic religion. However they provided great inspiration to the modern tattoo world. Some of the popular designs include the following:

Eye of Horus

This was among the most popular tattoo symbols in ancient Egyptian culture. The tattoo was used to represent good luck and life in ancient times. Some referred to the symbol as “Eye of Ra”. It was believed to be an eye that sees all and was widely used in ancient Egyptian amulets. The eye was also symbolic to immense power and acted as a protector of the Egyptian people. So popular is the symbol that it has been incorporated in the U.S dollar bill.


This tattoo was also common in ancient Egyptian culture and still continues to grown in popularity in the modern society. It is a symbol of god Anubis that came in form of a man with the head of a jackal. It’s a cool design that also has a darker side to it. Anubis was regarded to be the god of embalming process, where he would weight the souls of the dead to determine whether or not they could pass on to the afterlife. Though he holds great power, he doesn’t make the rules. Anubis is a god that has been featured in the Hollywood movie titled “ The Pyramid” cast in Egypt.


This is an Egyptian hieroglyphic character. Ankh was symbolic to “key of life” or “eternal life”. It’s a common symbol in Egyptian art and tomb paintings. The symbol was used as an amulet and could be used in combination with other hieroglyphs to represent strength and health.


The Phoenix, in Egyptian mythology, was an ancient bird. It has become a universal symbol that represents the sun, immortality, resurrection, mystical rebirth. The red “fire bird” was believed to be consumed periodically in its own flames then rise again out of its ashes.

There are still lots of Egyptian symbols popular in making tattoo designs. These include Osiris, Pyramids, Isis, Serket, Amun, among others. Most of the designs in use still hold their historical, patriotic, religious, or other symbolic meanings. And even when worked into the skins of people, the designs still carry the flavor of the ancient past.

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Techniques and Placement

Various techniques are used in getting the best in the Egyptian type of tattoos. Some of the most common ones include outlining, shading and coloring. Placement of the tattoo symbols can be quite tricky. It’s good to first decide on the type of design you want to determine the real size of the tattoo. This will help find the perfect place that the tattoo fits. Common areas to place the tattoo include the wrist, ankle, arm, back and abdomen. But its good to avoid the abdomen if you’re not ready to endure the pain. And in case you want your tattoo to pass a message, then it’s recommended that you put it in a more visible location.

Egyptian tattoo designs can present a great challenge to a tattoo artist. This is due to its complexity and the many things involved right from the basic idea. But its a great tattoo choice that gives the option of numerous imaginations in one’s original design. They sport incredible details that has intrigued many in the tattoo industry. It can be a lot of work but it’s definitely worth the effort. But be sure to research for their meanings prior to getting one. And above all, get a professional tattoo artistic who will provide something impressive to drive your admirers.

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